Friday, March 8, 2013

...the economic result of the Hugo Chavez Venezuela...!

El legado económico de Chávez por Ángel García Banchs

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>RT @<a href="">runrunesweb</a> <a href="ía">#Economía</a> El legado económico de Chávez - <a href="" title=""></a> por Ángel García Banchs @<a href="">garciabanchs</a></p>&mdash; Nelson Bocaranda S.(@NelsonBocaranda) <a href="">March 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Gracias al crecimiento de China e India y a la política monetaria de los EEUU y la UE, que inflaron el petróleo de los 8$/barril en 1998 a más de 100$/barril en la actualidad, el consumo per cápita durante los 14 años del Presidente Chávez creció más de 50%, eso sí, al costo de dejar enormes desequilibrios, desbalances, y un legado económico nefasto...!
Google translate

With the growth of China and India and the monetary policy of the U.S. and the EU, which inflated the oil of $ 8 / barrel in 1998 to over $ 100 / barrel today, per capita consumption over the 14 years of President Chávez grew over 50%, yes, the cost of leaving huge imbalances, imbalances, and a disastrous economic legacy.


...i am sure we will hear much much more from these strange species of political humans: negro, local native indians, spanish/european...! thief and be sexually manly with many women/wives is what a "man" is...! And Catholics! There is not one modern first/second World Catholic country! Not even Spain or Italy from where they are! the end of petroleum, they will tend to be like any African country in poordom and thefts...!

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