Tuesday, December 18, 2012

...some un-holy writ for today...! what a travesty...!

SOME Un-Holy writ for my Book 2 [Book 1 - Chp.1 Unholly writ]
A fish was a womans "pussy[vagina]"!
It is the only fish I know that would have a coin in its mouth from the Harlots sale!

Was the Christian fish symbol pagan in origin?

Our piece this time is a little unusual. It's not a defense of a Biblical matter, but of a later Christian symbol; and thus also it is not as scholarly in orientation, but is written somewhat tongue in cheek.

A couple of recent inquirers asked me to look into claims made that the famous Christian "fish" symbol found its source in pagan religious symbolism. The following claims are taken froman atheistic site (the link is now defunct), but I have seen them repeated in other places, including a Satanist discussion board. The claims, which usually find their root in Barbara Walker's Women's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects (a fountain of misinformation if there ever was one, but we'll save that for later) are that the fish predated Christianity as a religious symbol, and that Christians merely copied it. Among the alleged sources:

    " Ichthys was the offspring son of the ancient Sea goddess Atargatis, and was known in various mythic systems as Tirgata, Aphrodite, Pelagia or Delphine."
    "The fish also a central element in other stories, including the Goddess of Ephesus (who has a fish amulet covering her genital region), as well as the tale of the fish that swallowed the penis of Osiris, and was also considered a symbol of the vulva of Isis."
    "...the fish also has been identified in certain cultures with reincarnation and the life force."
    "...before Christianity, the fish symbol was known as 'the Great Mother'...link[ed] to fertility, birth, feminine sexuality and the natural force of women..."

The article concludes that the church "appropriated the metaphors of earlier pagan religions, grafting them into its own account of the creation and beyond..."

Now after some time now of addressing similar claims, I hardly need to put any scholarly weight on these arguments, even if they are all true (which I will simply assume for the sake of argument, that they are). The standard story on our side is that the fish symbol for Christians found its origins, independently, in the theme of Jesus' disciples as "fishers of men" and that the Greek word for "fish" made an acronym that spelled out a title for Jesus Christ. So what, then, of all of these paganist claims?

"So what?" indeed. That's really all the reply that is deserved. Is any genetic link demonstrated here? In other words, is there any evidence given of the disciples of Jesus going to (say) India, seeing this use of a fish, and copying it or "appropriating the metaphors" for that matter (I.e., where in Christianity is that fish vested with sexual symbolism, for example? Sorry, if you happen to find any syncretism by 3rd-century pagans, that doesn't count.) Is a "fishlike deity," etc. a valid parallel to the use of the fish as a non-deified symbol? Is it shown that the fish depicted was the same essential design; i.e., simply two curved lines intersecting?


The Origin:

It's a vagina.

One of the names given to the pre-Jesus Jesus Fish is the vesica pisces (vessel of the fish), and it was used as a symbol of every female fertility god ever, from Atargatis (the Syrian fertility goddess), Aphrodite/Venus (the goddess of love and sex) to the pagan Great Mother goddess, where it symbolized her life-giving vulva. Basically, whenever you encountered an image of fish in the pre-Christian world, it was probably an opposite-of-subtle metaphor for lady parts.

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_19909_6-famous-symbols-that-dont-mean-what-you-think.html#ixzz2FQK8UspV


But contemporary Jesus worshippers might be surprised, even outraged, to learn that one of their preeminent religious symbols antedated the Christian religion, and has its roots in pagan fertility awareness and sexuality. Barbara G. Walker writes in "The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects," that the acronym pertaining to Jesus Christ was a "rationale invented after the fact... Christians simply copied this pagan symbol along with many others." Ichthys was the offspring son of the ancient Sea goddess Atargatis, and was known in various mythic systems as Tirgata, Aphrodite, Pelagia or Delphine. The word also meant "womb" and "dolphin" in some tongues, and representations of this appeared in the depiction of mermaids. The fish also a central element in other stories, including the Goddess of Ephesus (who has a fish amulet covering her genital region), as well as the tale of the fish that swallowed the penis of Osiris, and was also considered a symbol of the vulva of Isis.

Along with being a generative and reproductive spirit in mythology, the fish also has been identified in certain cultures with reincarnation and the life force. Sir James George Frazer noted in his work, "Adonis, Attis, Osiris: Studies in the History of Oriental Religion" (Part Four of his larger work, "The Golden Bough") that among one group in India, the fish was believed to house a deceased soul, and that as part of a fertility ritual specific fish is eaten in the belief that it will be reincarnated in a newborn child.

Well before Christianity, the fish symbol was known as "the Great Mother," a pointed oval sign, the "vesica piscis" or Vessel of the Fish. "Fish" and "womb" were synonymous terms in ancient Greek,"delphos." Its link to fertility, birth, feminine sexuality and the natural force of women was acknowledged also by the Celts, as well as pagan cultures throughout northern Europe. Eleanor Gaddon traces a "Cult of the Fish Mother" as far back as the hunting and fishing people of the Danube River Basin in the sixth millennium B.C.E. Over fifty shrines have been found throughout the region which depict a fishlike deity, a female creature who "incorporates aspects of an egg, a fish and a woman which could have been a primeval creator or a mythical ancestress..." The "Great Goddess" was portrayed elsewhere with pendulous breasts, accentuated buttocks and a conspicuous vaginal orifice, the upright "vesica piscis" which Christians later adopted and rotated 90-degrees to serve as their symbol.

...Aphrodite and the Fish symbol is more than good enough evidence for me!

...The Bible is the effort to make holy, what is covered up UN-HOLY writ!

...as we said Jesus confesses himself, mentioning where to get money?! From a "fishes mouth" that is a vagina for sale!

Guess what: Adam and Eve in the "nude"...! That is a logical travesty...! Nooooo! The Indians in the Jungles! Well that ain't that holy as to Bible alleged good morale standards!

THE BIBLE IS MERELY A CULTURAL BOOK OF LITERATURE, deified and made holy, become a instrument of Politics and Religion for childish adults and their emotions and control!

But folks, it is Academia Theology of what is not true nor logical...! Another "travesty" of humans in their ignorance!

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